Saturday, March 5, 2011

Post Wedding - Take Time Out With Each Other

Once your vows are official treat yourselves to some relaxation dedicated to hobbies activities or other recreational pursuits. These activities may include sports, cooking classes reading travel arts and craft or just socialising with friends

Many engaged couples find that the months before the wedding are filled with wedding-related activities. Weekends are given over to wedding related projects and wistfully look forward to a time when they can check off the activities on their “After the Wedding” list. It may look something like this

• Get the house back (free of wedding clutter)
• Reserve leisurely Saturdays for doing absolutely nothing
• Take a Sunday drive somewhere new and actually have the time to do it
• Regains a social life
• Join friends on a Monday night at a favourite bar
• Work on a project

Here’s your change when the first weekend after the honeymoon arrives you may find yourself with nothing to do. Going through a big life-change is difficult and that’s true for this big shift from fiancés to newlyweds.
Explore new hobbies both individually and as a couple. It is important to maintain your individuality as it is to find your identity as a couple.

Jan Littlejohn